Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mourning a Friend

Death is inevitable. It is called the final sleep and also a new beginning. But mostly death is about pain and loss. Words unsaid and deeds undone. We generally tend to push death into the background, not thinking about it, ignoring it,  we only understand its true meaning after it places its hand on someone we love.

Last week was a difficult time for me. In the midst of life, I was informed of a death. She was my neighbour and a friend. She had had an accident a month back from which she was healing and recovering, but God apparently had other plans and completely unexpectedly took her away.

Her death filled me with a pain of guilt and loss. She was always a good friend, always helpful and caring but I wasn't. I was so busy with my own life, my work and family that I never gave her the importance or the care she deserved. And now it was too late for that. She will never know how much I cared for her because I never bothered to tell her. Its hard to think that I will never see her again, her lovely smiling face, will never hear her voice again.

Ever since she passed on, her sweet face haunts me, I keep thinking of the last time I saw her and the last time we spoke. Its all I have left of her. Memories!

My heart cries for her family, especially her adorable little daughter, hardly five years, but old enough to understand and feel the loss of her mother. May God give her the strength she needs to accept and live her life.

I believe in souls and I would like to believe that wherever she is, she can hear me.
If you are out there my dear and if you can hear my thoughts, please accept my apology for not being as good a friend to you as you were to me. Forgive me for being selfish. Forgive me for taking life and you for granted.

I miss you Jyothi, and can never forget you....may you rest in peace.

Those we love don't go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear.

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.
- Thomas Campbell

Love to hear what you think!

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